Background: I'm trying to shutdown my Windows 10 PC.
What have I tried
- Disable "fast startup" in power settings.
- On the login screen, I'm keeping L-shift pressed while clicking "shutdown". However, it's hibernating.
- On the login screen, I'm keeping L-shift pressed while clicking "reboot". However, it's hibernating.
- After logging into Windows, I opened the start menu, and then click "shutdown" while pressing L-shift. However, it's hibernating.
- After logging into Windows, I opened the start menu, and then click "reboot" while pressing L-shift. However, it's hibernating.
- After logging into Windows, I executed
shutdown /s /t 0
. However, it's hibernating.
Run the following commands
powercfg -h off
shutdown /s /t 0
Now the fucking windows is shutting down.
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